Posted: May 14, 2010 in Uncategorized

Economic sector is the important thingin country development. In ths multivariate analysis, talk about bank classification with 100 milliard until 100 triliun by four indicator vriabel, that are asset, financial capital, asset development, and financial capital. The fourth variable have been gotten the normality, suitable, and dependent variable assumption. From the PCA can be known that the new variable that be shapen are PC1=0.609 +0.578 +0.5 +0.211 dan PC2=-0.235 -0.319 +0.287 +0.872 . After the arithm for the representative’s variable for represent all the beginning variable, can be found that the score is 86.26%. Same with the PCA, the factor analysis can be gotten two claster data that are the first claster factor cash with components, asset variable, own financial capital, and financial capital development and the secod claster factor modal with component asset development. After the arithm for the representative’s variable for represent all the beginning variable, can be found that the score is 86.26%. After get the score and classified them, can be shown that trere is58.3% bank I Indonesia come to the first factor or cash factor and 41.67 % bank come to the classified secod factor or modal factor. And if it be compared between the result in Minitab and SPSS, both of them show the same results, accept the Bartlett and KMO test that can’t be shown by the Minitab.
Key word: PCA, analisis factor, Minitab, SPSS
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